Friday, December 17, 2010

Arguing about God's Word???

TThis blog was inspired by a member of Proverbs Place, Amy. She asked a questions about how do you handle a person that is "trash-talking" the word of God?

And for those who missed her question, I am bringing it here...How do you handle those situations? Do you argue back? Do you feel the need to prove the person wrong? Do you desire to let them know just how much you know of scripture?

Well as we answer this question publicly or privately, I want to share this scripture I read this morning about this very thing.

"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." Titus 3:9

Amy, thank you for sharing your question with us. It's all about us growing together, teaching one another, and keeping each other encouraged.

I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Actions.

Our Actions.

Yesterday was a remarkable day for me.  A day I will remember and cherish for a very long time.  A day that taught me a life long lesson.  See, I am one of those people that are so busy caring for others, that I neglect myself.  I put such a huge responsibility on myself for being there for others, that the thought of someone “giving” to me just does not enter my mind.  I get things done.  I make a way.  Sounds kind of prideful doesn’t it?  Yes, it does.  And that is the trap we will find ourselves in with this mentality.  How did the Lord expose this “prideful” character flaw???  In a loving way that made me smile.  

Walking into the gas station, I went inside, having my normal conversation with the attendant as always.  But this time expressing how I “JUST MADE IT” to the gas station.  As she swipes my card, it returns “Excesses Amount”…translated “DECLINED!”  As I stand their not sure what is going on, the only thing I can do is take my card and exit the building.  But she stops me.  And she says, “Can I buy your gas for you???”  My response was as classic as it gets…”Huh?”  And she replies, “It’s easier to give than it is to receive”, and she buys me $20 worth of gas.  See, she was a young lady that I often stopped in just to see how she was doing.  We usually had conversations that offered encouragement both ways.  And here I was, in a position to receive a blessing, and was just about to turn it down.  But the words she spoke to me where words that only my Heavenly Father could have given her to say, just so I would know it was Him.  And I thought about her statement all night, and all day today.  Because it is true.  As children of God, HE will cause others to bless us in many different ways.  But if our mentality is not prepared, we will miss it every time. 

We have to understand how important our acts of kindness are.  I will always remember what she did.  Do I know her name????  No.  But now, she will be known to me by her action.  And to show just how much the Lord rewards what we “DO”, in Matthew 26:13, there was a woman, and she had an Alabaster Box filled with her most precious fragrances and oils, and she poured them on our Saviors head.  Do we know her name?  No.  But what did the Lord say???...”Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”


Saturday, October 23, 2010


things. big things. little things. emotional things. spiritual things. relational things. things. things that make you feel good. things that hurt. things that put a smile on your face. things that make you cry. things. things you think about. things you thought about. things you miss.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Late in the Midnight Hour...

Here I sit, 1:50 AM talking to the Lord. Thinking about everything that is going on around me. And the one thing i have been saying since i have been home from the office is "Lord, I am tired. How long???" Tonight was a very quiet night in my TV. Just dinner, shower, reading and bed. But my thoughts kept me up...Restless. Frustrated. Confused. Hurt....."How Long?"

My life is a life filled with many challenges, as many can relate. But i am thankful that 95% of the time i am in HIS perfect peace. But tonight. I found myself tired.

But...although I am tired, i do realize i am not running this race alone. As i pulled out my Word of God, there was a message waiting for me in the Midnight Hour...

It came from Jeremiah 12.

"If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? ...?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Home Based Business...Am I Ready???

The time has come, where I will be leaving corporate america to start my very own Home Business.  I have dabbed in a few ventures, some just for fun, and others never moving forward due to fear...but I am now at that point where, it's do or Die!  As I go through the research, trying to figure out how to apply for a business license and IF a business license is needed...the one thing I keep saying to myself is..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Does that make the fear go away?  No.  But it does encourage me to push through the fear.  The funny thing is, I already have people waiting for they can work for me.  Yes, I am praying that the Lord touches my business venture in a wonderful way.  I can't see why He wouldn't...He gave me the idea : )

Oh well, this will be another something to blog about...My journey into becoming a business owner.  And I am excited!

As I searched the web for a photo that would allow you to feel my emotion regarding this blog, I came across this one which is so on POINT!  Because last night, I moved my computer into my kitchen, because I don't have a desk yet...As the scripture in the Bible says, when the Prophet went to the widow for food, and she only have enought to feed her and her son, he asked her..."What do you have in your home???"  All she had was a jar, and the Lord blessed her with many more jars that ran over so she was able to feed the prophet and her family.  So...what do I have in my house???  A kitchen table aka my computer desk : )

I pray to have this humor throughout this journey.  Because I know I am being led by the Lord.  And He will get all of the glory!!!!  Because all I have is a kitchen table : )

To everyone that comes across this blog...What ever it is...You can do it!  Just take the first step...


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Here I Am.

Here I Am...Still standing.  Not by my own strength, but by the Grace of God.  Today.  I will be turning my vehicle in, as a "Voluntary Repo" as it's called.  And still thankful.  Yes, I have been hit by the economy, but...the economy is not my Provider.  So, I will be letting my vehicle go.  Yes, I loved my's only a car.  Material things...which can be replaced.  I was giving a word from Heaven that said "I know the plans I have for you, they are NOT plans to hurt you, but plans to prosper you."  So I am trusting that this is ALL according to what GOD has for me.  I am learning to be a better steward over my money.  I am learning to look too and TRUST the Lord.  I am learning to look to HIM before making decision, and most of all I am learning "OBEDIENCE."  Living in a small town, I know there are many watching me and how I will respond to the different "trials" that seem to be coming at me all at once.  I know my family is watching to see if I will break down.  And I know my enemies are watching. I read this morning, maybe it's not about me after all.  Maybe I am being used by God for a far bigger purpose.  What ever the reason is, I will count it all joy, and trust in the Lord.

"Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abed-Nego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own God!" Daniel 3:28

It was through the faith of the 3 Hebrew boys that the Truth of who the Most High God was...was revealed, and salvation was for many.  Thank you Lord, for choosing me, to endure these trials.  Because I know you are a faithful God.  And I am your servant.


Friday, September 3, 2010

As I Clean My Kitchen.

Life is used to teach us and grow us in many ways. Today when I got home from a busy day in the office, I decided to clean my kitchen. And I mean really clean my kitchen. I cleaned the entire stove outside and inside...I cleaned the refrigerator outside and inside...I polished cabinets...and mopped the floor. As I cleaned, I started to think...which I believe I was trying to avoid by cleaning. But I was thinking. I was thinking about how much I miss my husband. We have been separated for almost 6 months. Last weekend we started talking and spent time together. And it was wonderful. But once we started talking about the major issues we had to face, he shut down. Its been days since we have spoken. Tonight is one of those nights...cloudy sky, lights down low, but I Am alone. So what will I do now that my kitchen is spick and span? Will I stay in this mind set? Feel sorry for myself? No. I think I will put my favorite Gospel Cd on (Marvin Sapp) and get to working on my business plan. Because all things will work for my good...but I have to work it. As my hubby said, God has already given us a word...but we have to move the stone. And move the stone I shall! Happy Friday! Regardless of where you are or who you are with. Be thankful!
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