Friday, December 17, 2010

Arguing about God's Word???

TThis blog was inspired by a member of Proverbs Place, Amy. She asked a questions about how do you handle a person that is "trash-talking" the word of God?

And for those who missed her question, I am bringing it here...How do you handle those situations? Do you argue back? Do you feel the need to prove the person wrong? Do you desire to let them know just how much you know of scripture?

Well as we answer this question publicly or privately, I want to share this scripture I read this morning about this very thing.

"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." Titus 3:9

Amy, thank you for sharing your question with us. It's all about us growing together, teaching one another, and keeping each other encouraged.

I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Actions.

Our Actions.

Yesterday was a remarkable day for me.  A day I will remember and cherish for a very long time.  A day that taught me a life long lesson.  See, I am one of those people that are so busy caring for others, that I neglect myself.  I put such a huge responsibility on myself for being there for others, that the thought of someone “giving” to me just does not enter my mind.  I get things done.  I make a way.  Sounds kind of prideful doesn’t it?  Yes, it does.  And that is the trap we will find ourselves in with this mentality.  How did the Lord expose this “prideful” character flaw???  In a loving way that made me smile.  

Walking into the gas station, I went inside, having my normal conversation with the attendant as always.  But this time expressing how I “JUST MADE IT” to the gas station.  As she swipes my card, it returns “Excesses Amount”…translated “DECLINED!”  As I stand their not sure what is going on, the only thing I can do is take my card and exit the building.  But she stops me.  And she says, “Can I buy your gas for you???”  My response was as classic as it gets…”Huh?”  And she replies, “It’s easier to give than it is to receive”, and she buys me $20 worth of gas.  See, she was a young lady that I often stopped in just to see how she was doing.  We usually had conversations that offered encouragement both ways.  And here I was, in a position to receive a blessing, and was just about to turn it down.  But the words she spoke to me where words that only my Heavenly Father could have given her to say, just so I would know it was Him.  And I thought about her statement all night, and all day today.  Because it is true.  As children of God, HE will cause others to bless us in many different ways.  But if our mentality is not prepared, we will miss it every time. 

We have to understand how important our acts of kindness are.  I will always remember what she did.  Do I know her name????  No.  But now, she will be known to me by her action.  And to show just how much the Lord rewards what we “DO”, in Matthew 26:13, there was a woman, and she had an Alabaster Box filled with her most precious fragrances and oils, and she poured them on our Saviors head.  Do we know her name?  No.  But what did the Lord say???...”Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”


Saturday, October 23, 2010


things. big things. little things. emotional things. spiritual things. relational things. things. things that make you feel good. things that hurt. things that put a smile on your face. things that make you cry. things. things you think about. things you thought about. things you miss.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Late in the Midnight Hour...

Here I sit, 1:50 AM talking to the Lord. Thinking about everything that is going on around me. And the one thing i have been saying since i have been home from the office is "Lord, I am tired. How long???" Tonight was a very quiet night in my TV. Just dinner, shower, reading and bed. But my thoughts kept me up...Restless. Frustrated. Confused. Hurt....."How Long?"

My life is a life filled with many challenges, as many can relate. But i am thankful that 95% of the time i am in HIS perfect peace. But tonight. I found myself tired.

But...although I am tired, i do realize i am not running this race alone. As i pulled out my Word of God, there was a message waiting for me in the Midnight Hour...

It came from Jeremiah 12.

"If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? ...?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Home Based Business...Am I Ready???

The time has come, where I will be leaving corporate america to start my very own Home Business.  I have dabbed in a few ventures, some just for fun, and others never moving forward due to fear...but I am now at that point where, it's do or Die!  As I go through the research, trying to figure out how to apply for a business license and IF a business license is needed...the one thing I keep saying to myself is..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Does that make the fear go away?  No.  But it does encourage me to push through the fear.  The funny thing is, I already have people waiting for they can work for me.  Yes, I am praying that the Lord touches my business venture in a wonderful way.  I can't see why He wouldn't...He gave me the idea : )

Oh well, this will be another something to blog about...My journey into becoming a business owner.  And I am excited!

As I searched the web for a photo that would allow you to feel my emotion regarding this blog, I came across this one which is so on POINT!  Because last night, I moved my computer into my kitchen, because I don't have a desk yet...As the scripture in the Bible says, when the Prophet went to the widow for food, and she only have enought to feed her and her son, he asked her..."What do you have in your home???"  All she had was a jar, and the Lord blessed her with many more jars that ran over so she was able to feed the prophet and her family.  So...what do I have in my house???  A kitchen table aka my computer desk : )

I pray to have this humor throughout this journey.  Because I know I am being led by the Lord.  And He will get all of the glory!!!!  Because all I have is a kitchen table : )

To everyone that comes across this blog...What ever it is...You can do it!  Just take the first step...


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Here I Am.

Here I Am...Still standing.  Not by my own strength, but by the Grace of God.  Today.  I will be turning my vehicle in, as a "Voluntary Repo" as it's called.  And still thankful.  Yes, I have been hit by the economy, but...the economy is not my Provider.  So, I will be letting my vehicle go.  Yes, I loved my's only a car.  Material things...which can be replaced.  I was giving a word from Heaven that said "I know the plans I have for you, they are NOT plans to hurt you, but plans to prosper you."  So I am trusting that this is ALL according to what GOD has for me.  I am learning to be a better steward over my money.  I am learning to look too and TRUST the Lord.  I am learning to look to HIM before making decision, and most of all I am learning "OBEDIENCE."  Living in a small town, I know there are many watching me and how I will respond to the different "trials" that seem to be coming at me all at once.  I know my family is watching to see if I will break down.  And I know my enemies are watching. I read this morning, maybe it's not about me after all.  Maybe I am being used by God for a far bigger purpose.  What ever the reason is, I will count it all joy, and trust in the Lord.

"Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abed-Nego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own God!" Daniel 3:28

It was through the faith of the 3 Hebrew boys that the Truth of who the Most High God was...was revealed, and salvation was for many.  Thank you Lord, for choosing me, to endure these trials.  Because I know you are a faithful God.  And I am your servant.


Friday, September 3, 2010

As I Clean My Kitchen.

Life is used to teach us and grow us in many ways. Today when I got home from a busy day in the office, I decided to clean my kitchen. And I mean really clean my kitchen. I cleaned the entire stove outside and inside...I cleaned the refrigerator outside and inside...I polished cabinets...and mopped the floor. As I cleaned, I started to think...which I believe I was trying to avoid by cleaning. But I was thinking. I was thinking about how much I miss my husband. We have been separated for almost 6 months. Last weekend we started talking and spent time together. And it was wonderful. But once we started talking about the major issues we had to face, he shut down. Its been days since we have spoken. Tonight is one of those nights...cloudy sky, lights down low, but I Am alone. So what will I do now that my kitchen is spick and span? Will I stay in this mind set? Feel sorry for myself? No. I think I will put my favorite Gospel Cd on (Marvin Sapp) and get to working on my business plan. Because all things will work for my good...but I have to work it. As my hubby said, God has already given us a word...but we have to move the stone. And move the stone I shall! Happy Friday! Regardless of where you are or who you are with. Be thankful!
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Real Fight. BUT...I Was Never Alone.

Being a Christian woman, I have heard time and time again to watch out for the attacks of the enemy. How Ephesians tells us how to prepare for, and handle the attacks when they come. But I never really understood this. Yes, I have experienced the daily darts of the enemy, but never a full blown attack as I did yesterday. And it was such an experience that I have to share well as have it here, as a reminder, of just how REAL the enemy is...(as if I will EVER forget it!!!!)

090110. A sequence of numbers that I will never forget. 09/01/10. A date I will never forget. As I look back over how this could have happened to me or WHY this could have happened to me, I am left praying for a revelation from our Father. And maybe I will never get one, other than...”I will NEVER let go of you!” Because I know for a fact yesterday, JESUS HIMSELF had me in HIS HANDS.

The last few days had been wonderful days, filled with praise and worship. With two business ideas preparing to be birthed, ways were being opened for me, structure was being set, and FEAR was being over-come. On top of that, I had been doing Bible reading with my office assistant (who was raised under another belief), and the day before (08-31-10), she actually asked me if I would pray with her for a revelation of who God was and understanding. Which we held hands, and I prayed with and for her. And it was a wonderful feeling knowing God was hearing our prayers ans she was in search of “SALVATION”. That evening I went home, as I was preparing dinner and listening to one of my favorite Pastors, he was peaching about how we are to put on the whole amour, and to STAND. He kept saying “Stand”.

Then, the very next morning, it was as if I was on the TOP of the enemy's hit list!!! And with out describing all of the things I was going through, I want to describe it “mentally”. It started by a harassing and pressing phone call. And when I received the phone call, it was as if I had been pulled into a spiritual hell, with demons determined to get me to end my life. I remember thinking “Oh my goodness, how can I do this? I can't do this!!! I might as well just end my life!!!” Then I remember asking...”Why is this happening??? Lord, what is happening to me???” And all the time I am driving around town, deciding if I am going home to end my life. My thoughts were...”I might as well end my life now. But will I go to heaven???” And when I started thinking about thoughts went to...”Lord help me!!!!! What is going on???? Then I remembered what the Pastor said the night before...we have to STAND! So I started to pray,... LORD, Help me stand!!!!” And this battle went on for over an hour, with me driving around, fighting the thoughts that were leading me to end my life.

THEN. I returned to my office. Thinking I was going to pack it up and just leave, for some reason, I open my email. And the very first email was titled...”THE BATTLE IS OVER!” And I cried!!!! But it was a cry of relief. Because I then understood what was going on. For whatever reason, the enemy tried to convince me to take my life. BUT...GOD would not let me go. It was as if HE allowed it to happen. HE allowed me to call out too and understand just WHO HE WAS IN MY LIFE! Later that afternoon, as I continued to think about the entire ordeal, I read a message that said...”The pressure will come to convince you to do something that you neither want to do nor have been moved by My Spirit to do. Stand your ground without wavering, and do not give in to anything that causes stress or has a sense of urgency about it. For, the enemy wants you to be distracted from an important chain of events that will produce greater spiritual power and benefit as you continue in the flow of My wisdom and blessings, says the Lord.

Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled with a yoke of bondage.”

As I awoke this morning, STILL reflecting on the past events, I was so very thankful for another day. I was thankful for life. And I was thankful for a loving God that would not allow me to be taken, snatched from HIS hand.

Our daily lives are a struggle. We live in a fallen world. When we desire to live holy, blameless lives, the enemy is out to stop us. BUT...the LORD, who is our Shepard, will never leave us nor forsake us.

090110. A sequence of numbers that I will never forget. 09/01/10. A date I will never forget.

A life lesson, to be remembered for ever. HIS Grace and Mercy...Not allowing me to get what I deserve...DEATH and giving me, what I don't deserve...LIFE.

Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. And I thank Him.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Living A Double Life.

Living a double life. I'm sure it has to be stressful. Yes sir, No sir in public...But no respect behind closed doors. Living a double life. I'm sure it has to be stressful. Greeting everyone in public with a smile, but spitting anger-filled words behind closed doors. Living a double life. I'm sure it has to be stressful. Saying you love your neighbor in public, but expressing your hatred for them behind closed doors. But this time the door did not close.

“He who walks with integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will become known.” ~ Proverbs 10:9

Friday, April 23, 2010

Seeing The Beauty Of Life.

Seeing The Invisible Beauty of LIFE.

What a beautiful day today. The sky has an over-cast, is it going to rain? I love the rain. So much to do on my to-do list. I receive a phone call, the person wants to argue...or are they trying to express themselves? So I let them know that I really appreciate them and everything they do. I break it down, giving as many details as I can. Wow, I can see the smile through the phone. I drive to the stop sign, and a car runs the stop sign causing me to slam on my brakes. Were they not paying attention? Or maybe they had a grandchild being born at that very minute and could not miss it. Lord protect them and give them traveling Grace to make it to their destination Hum...another call with negativity, she's really having a bad day. Is she dumping her drama off on me? Or is she needing her spirits to be lifted? Yes, I think I will invite her over for a nice evening and a movie. She signs and says “yes...yes...yes!”

Looking through spiritual eyes gives you a perspective like none other. Let's keep our spiritual eyes on today and see the Beauty of Life.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light afflictions, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Have a Beautiful Day today!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sporting my very first "Holy-Tee"

I ordered my first official T-Shirl from Holy-Tee's.  And it was a basic white baby-doll ribbed T-Shirt with a simple message..."Independent Thinker".  Why did it spark majoy conversation?  And of course if ws conversation and questions from dating and married couples.  I could always tell who the complainer was because they were the ones to always start the conversation, usually with..."What does it mean to be a Independent Thinker?"  And I would leave the couples standing in their very own "heated" conversations.  It was pretty fun : )

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Darling Daughter.

Sharing a story,

If anyone has read any of my blogs..., or are a member of, you are aware of the situation I am going through...a separation from my hubby. will also know that GOD is working as we SPEAK!!!!

Now I have a 17 year old daughter that has been through her share of heartaches within the last few years. She is going to graduate this year and head to college in August. Now, my prayer has been for her to take every negative thing that has happened in her life and learn from it. I have been a soilder on the field fighting for her. She spent one year with her dad (in another state) and really went through some hard times, and everytime she would call me, I would put on my fighting gear and call on the Lord to give me the words to give her. Well...she moved back with me her last year of high school. And she has been with me during this separation (2nd marriage). Yesterday her and I were talking and I was telling her about how God is revealing things to both me and my husband and I was excited. And she told me..."Mom, I am happy for both you and my step-dad. But...I have come to realize that I do not need the approval from your husband or my dad's wife, because not only do I have the love of God, put I have you two that loves me. I will be going off to college and starting my own life, and I want you to be happy." WHAT!!!!????? Were these the words of my daughter that was dealing with the sting of "step-parents" that could not show her love??? (because of their own issues???) Well, it did not stop there. She had just gone out of town with one of her friends to visit a college campus. And the entire time she was telling me the story, she kept saying how it was God...It was God. Now, I secretly hope she will go to a college near me in the South, but she has her heart set on going to college in the North. She wants to major in law, and she found out that this college had a law school that ranked #5 in the country. So I say..."Honey, do you think you would consider this school???" And "SHE" says..."Mom, this is Ebony's blessing, not mine. God showed up on that campus for Ebony, not me." And that is when I broke down!!! God had revealed to me that my "job" was complete with my daughter. She was now walking into "her journey" and I needed to know she will be ok. It was as if God had cut the cord connecting us spiritually and mommy-LY and was sending her on her way. Now...that same evening this was revealed to me, I spent time with my hubby and my daughter was home alone. This morning when we talked she told me how she started "thinking" and could not stop "thinking". She actually became frighten by her lack off control as to what her "mind" was telling her. And she realized it was her spirit directing her. And her spirit revealed to her that she could not do what everyone else was doing, she had no room for error. It was time for HER to start looking to HIM!!!! And I told her, honey, God released me from you yesterday. Get use to that voice and don't fear it, just follow and trust it. Because the Lord is no longer going to speak through me to you, HE will be speaking directly to you. Your journey has started!!!!"

I still have goose bumps!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Teenagers...need I say more?

Teenagers...One of our biggest challenges as parents. As I deal with a 17 year old daughter, that is SO excited that she will be 18 in May '10, she has marked on every calendar in the house...”Legal in “x” months”, and it is driving me crazy. I am often trying to get her to understand that turning 18 does not only mean you are LEGAL...(and legal to do what???) But it means you are responsible for your actions. The girl has tunnel vision on what it means to be “legal”. This morning I came across a book that hit the nail on the head, and I wanted to share this with other parents that are going through the pre-LEGAL stage. Enjoy.DOING -vs- BEINGThe difference between God's plan for our children and Satan's plan is that Satan wants them to believe they get to be an adult if they engage in adult behavior. In other words, he wants them to think that drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and having sex will make them adults. God's plan is to teach them that adulthood is not about what they do; it is about who they are – as determined by their Creator.RIGHTS -vs- RESPONSIBILITIESThe plan your children follow will determine how they live their lives. Satan will try to get them to focus on their rights and consume themselves with self-interest. God wants to turn their focus away from their rights and toward their responsibilities.How this looks in practical terms is that in every area where Satan would want them to ask the question, “What are my rights?” God would ask them to consider, “As a godly young man or woman, what are my responsibilities?”The first step on the journey to adulthood is to choose God's plan over Satan's.So, the next time my daughter starts with being “legal at 18”, I am going to ask her “what are your responsibilities at 18.” And I am so sure this will shut her up : ) The truth tends to work that way (ha,ha)~Spirit invites you to the online "Secret Place."

Be encouraged to Be encouraging...

After speaking with a dear friend of mine, I was left thinking...don't you love those kind of conversations??? We were talking about does “encouraging others” ever get, well...old? Do you ever grow tired of the same person coming to you with the same struggles, the same situation? Just so you can tell them the same thing?

I thank God that we both agreed that our answer to this question was NO!

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are all apart of the same body. So when a fellow sister or brother is weak, why would we NOT want to encourage them? When you think of our 3 senses...eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to speak, when one of these fail, the other senses are increased in their abilities to operate. They all kick in to allow the body to function as best it can. Have you ever noticed when you go to a restaurant the lights are dim? That's because your ability to taste is increased due to your ability to see being decreased and you are able to truly enjoy to “taste” of your food.

Scripture will speak about weak or babes in Christ. Would you leave a baby alone, or grow tired of a baby because they have not mastered the art of walking??? If you have a carnal heart, then yes, maybe you would. But if you truly have Christ in your life, you would never grow weary of doing good.

So I say to my fellow believers, don't grow weary in doing good. Don't grow tired of encouraging another who is in the same body as you are...Christ. Because Hebrews 3:13 says “but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today”, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Don't be deceived. Listen and help encourage another through scripture.

Encouraged to be Encouraging...

When you are down to your last cent...


Yesterday, I was trying to figure out financially what I needed to do. I get in my car, and realize, I am not on empty yet, but I will be in a few days, and payday is further in the future : ) so I sat in my car and said a prayer, for God to provide for me what I needed, and quoted His word of never seeing the righteous forsaking. As I ended my prayer, I opened my thing in the middle to sit my coffee cup, and there was $11.00. Just what I needed to put in my tank : ) we have to remember nothing is too small to ask the Lord. And the funny thing is, a friend of mine had said that morning, that our motto for the day was..."When you are down to your last cent...God will send a quarter." : ) Yes, God is really good!!!!!!

Sometimes it's the little things...

One thing I desire is to apply God's Holy word to my life. No, I am not successful everyday, but I try. Yesterday I bought 2 plastic containers to store clothing. Shopping on a budget, two was what I could afford. When I got home to organize my clothing, I realized that I actualy had three. I looked at my receipt, and was only charged for two. My first thought, being on a budget, was to go back to the store and claim to have left a lid. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will direct you from doing worng, and that is exactly what He did. I went back to the store, purchsed two more (because I needed them) and told the lady what happened, and that I needed to purchase one more (which I already had). As I left the store, not only did I ask God to forgive me for my first thought, But I thanked Him for giving me the Holy Spirit, that really does have my best interest at heart : )

God's giggles.

What a day today!!!! It's amazing how things work out. Yesterday, after going through trials for 7 days straight, it was revealed to me that I was not devoting the time to God that I use to. And I made the commitment I was going to start putting God first, the way I use to do it before my days started getting crazy. I wake up today, meditate on scripture the first part of my morning, and off to the office I go. But what in the world went wrong with my day??? I found myself in a situation where I had to stop, breathe, quickly pray, then respond. Everybody I delt with today had an attitude, was angry, mean, none of my systems in the office worked, every call was a problem, need I go on???? I think this was God showing HIS humor. He HAD to be sitting up there, on HIS THRONE giggling. Does GOD giggle??? Oh well, just something to think about as I sit in my office, closing time, but I can't leave because I have to wait to get a problem resolved... Who says God does not have a since of humor!!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Watching my step...TODAY.

Today was one of those days.  I awoke this morning really missing my husband (we are separated).  I started my day with a prayer to overcome the feelings, but I then decided to take things into my own hands.  Now, this is going to sound crazy : ) but since my separation, I have been doing little things to make sure I keep myself on track.  I understand that right now I am wide open for the "enemy" to attack.  I have not been shaving my legs, my toe nails looked a mess, and I have only been wearing the "dreaded" undies : )

But this morning...after I had showered and gotten dressed, I stopped myself in my tracks and did a U turn.  I undressed, got BACK in the shower, shaved every part of my body, as I dried off, I took off my old toe nail polish, painted my toes, and pulled out my pretty lacey "undies"!  I wore a nicely "fitted" shirt and skirt, with my maroon colored Stiletoes!  I put on my best smelling perfume, grabbed my purse and headed out the door!!!!!!  Yes, my attitude had changed.  And I was determined to get ALL of the attention today, because I felt good and I know I looked good!  Then it happened.  A very nice looking guy was parked next to my car as I left the office.  And he lingered... And that's when the reality hit me!  I was not ready for that!!!!  I am still praying for my marriage to work!  I jumped in my car and without looking at the gentleman twice, drove off!  And I laughed!  Who was I getting back at?  Why did I have such an attitude?  Oh well, I went back to my office and remained there.  I know longer wanted the "attention".  I smiled, because I knew the "Red Sonya" would never totally die : )  It was nice to see her today...but she has to go!

Think and Walk Today.

As you go about your day today, don't just "mind-less-LY do things...THINK. One thing is for sure...somebody IS going to offend you today. Somebody IS going to deceive you today. Somebody IS going to hurt you today. Somebody IS going to abuse your trust and love today. But THINK about your response.

"But I say to you WHO HEAR: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you." ~ Luke 6:27-28

Because when we take matters into our own hands, when we make emotional decision to "get back" it's going to always lead us in a bad place, and we will find ourselves calling out to the Lord to rescue us. And the Lord has said...

"But why do you call Me "Lord, Lord", and not do the things which I say?" Luke 6:46

Let's walk today as if we were taught how to love and in Spirit.

Enjoy your day today and THINK as you WALK.

A soilder for the Lord...In My Stiletoes!

It is amazing. I woke up this morning, feeling like a true soldier for the Lord...IN MY STILETOES!!! I am filled with the authority that CHRIST said I HAVE! I am walking in faith today, filled and led with the Holy Spirit, with a song of faith in my heart and a Holy word from God in my mind and spirit. God loved me enough this morning to wake me up "At Attention"! My life belongs to HIM and HE will have HIS way with me!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I would have never thought, that I, would be...Anti-Sociable. But here I am. Never wanting to be invited...but always invited, to the events. What is wrong with just wanting to be at home? I love to be home. I can be cleaning, working, or just doing nothing. But I like it. I work outside of the home 6 days a week. Am I wrong for loving to be home, with my family? I am just thinking right now, as I watch the clock, yes, ready to go home. The weather is nice today, maybe I will stop and get a nice walk in...One hour to go.

Let me ask you, before I leave, do you enjoy staying home, or are you a social butterfly?